Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Who is your Fallback..

Who is your fallback !!

People help you the way they know to help you. To help you to come out of stress, one friend will ask you to drink and another will ask you to meditate.

To overcome hurt, one friend will ask you to take revenge and get even, and another will ask you to forgive and get ahead with your life. ‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference.

Duryodhana’s predicament, in his own words, was, “I know what is right but I am not able to indulge in it. I know what is wrong but I am not able to avoid it.” He needed a fallback. His fallback was his uncle Shakuni, and resultantly, Duryodhana moved from bad to worse.

Arjuna’s predicament was different. He was allowing his personal emotions to dominate his sense of duty, and hence wanted to escape from the responsibilities he had towards upholding righteousness. He needed a fallback. His fallback was Krishna, and resultantly, Arjuna was restored to his greatness.

Humans we are, at some point or the other, we all  need a fallback. ‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference..
Choose Well..!!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Understanding DHARMA..!

From Mahabharata..

Karna asks Krishna
My mother left me the moment I was born. Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?

I did not get education from Dhronacharya because I was considered a non Kshatriya.

Parshuram taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything since I was a kshatriya.

A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow & its owner cursed me for no fault of mine.

I was disgraced in Draupadi's swayamvar.

Even Kunti finally told me the truth only to save her other sons.

Whatever I received was through Dhuryodhana's charity. So how am I wrong in taking his side?

Krishna replies
Karna, I was born in a jail.

Death was waiting for me even before my birth.

The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.

From childhood you grew up hearing the noise of swords, chariots, horses, bow and arrows.

I got only cow herd's shed, dung and multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk!

No army, no education.

I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.

When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers, I had not even received any education.

I joined gurukula of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16!

You are married to a girl of your choice.

I didn't get the girl I loved & rather ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones I rescued from demons.

I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore, to save them from Jarasandh. I was called a coward for running away.

If Dhuryodhana wins the war you will get lot of credit.
What do I get if Dharmaraja wins the war? Only the blame for the war and all related problems.

Remember one thing Karna..

Everybody has challenges in life.


Dhuryodhan also has a lot of unfairness in life and so has Yudhishthir.

But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (Conscience)....

No matter how much unfairness we got, how many times we were disgraced, how many times we were denied what was due to us, what is important is how you REACTED at that time...

Stop whining Karna.

Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path of *अधर्म.*